Projects and Youth Partnerships

Through collaborative projects and meaningful partnerships, we’re making strides in improving youth SRHRJ worldwide.

Spotlight on Current Projects

Dive into the innovative initiatives we’re spearheading and the valued collaborations that make our mission a reality.

Let Them Know GRA

The GRA is a growing coalition of 40+ youth-led organizations and collectives, launched during the 2022 International Conference on Family Planning, it prioritizes young people’s sexual and reproductive health needs and aspirations and invests in the capacity-building of young advocates.

We Trust Youth Initiative

We Trust Youth is an initiative co-led by IYAFP and four other youth-led organizations from around the world. WTY is here to challenge and support youth-focused donors and NGOs to partner and fund young people more intentionally and equitably.

(FAF) Project

Co-designed by 22 grassroots organizations in the Global South and facilitated by Global Fund for Women advocacy. The Feminist Accountability Framework (FAF) is a plan to help move the Generation Equality Forum (GEF) from promises to action.

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Climate and SRHRJ

The IYAFP Youth Declaration on Climate and SRHRJ is a powerful statement crafted by young advocates to emphasize the interconnectedness of climate justice and sexual and reproductive health and rights. This declaration was launched at COP28 and calls for urgent action to address the impacts of climate change on sexual and reproductive health.

(SAFE) Project

Empowering IYAFP members in India, Liberia, and Kenya to implement concise advocacy campaigns on safe abortion and enhancing ongoing efforts to broaden access to safe abortion. This initiative is made possible through funding from the Guttmacher Institute.

Universal Periodic Review

The Universal Periodic Review (UPR) stands as a distinctive mechanism within the Human Rights Council, requiring each UN Member State to undergo a peer review of its human rights records approximately every 4.5 years. IYAFP is actively supporting our member in Nigeria in crafting and presenting a shadow report for the fourth cycle of the UPR.

Past Initiatives

Discover the captivating stories behind our previous ventures and the innovative endeavors that have shaped our journey.

Generation Equality: The Power of Youth-led Advocacy and Accountability

Funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, IYAFP implemented youth-led advocacy and accountability initiatives in Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Palestine, Peru, and South Africa to secure bold government commitments on gender equality in the context of the Generation Equality Forum convened by UN Women and the governments of Mexico and France.

Past Country Coordinators in these geographies worked together with other youth-led organizations and civil society organizations to establish national accountability mechanisms to ensure governments deliver on their commitments.

Addressing Sexual and Gender-Based Violence in the Public Transport Sector in Nairobi

IYAFP worked together with Y-ACT and the Organization of African Youth-Kenya on a project that aims to address the issue of SGBV in the public transport sector in Nairobi. By conducting an assessment of the situation and engaging with multiple stakeholders, the objective was to ensure a stronger prioritization of the issue of SGBV in the public transport sector and the development of concrete policies to address the issue, whilst raising awareness among the population about existing mechanisms to report cases of SGBV.

Technical Support on MAYE to the WHO AYSRH Technical Assistance Mechanism

IYAFP supported the work of the WHO Adolescent and Youth Sexual and Reproductive Health Technical Assistance Mechanism by providing technical assistance on how to meaningfully engage adolescents and youth in the responses to TA requests from governments that are participating in the mechanism. IYAFP advised on ways to engage young people and how to ensure that TA provided can be responsive and reflective of youth needs. IYAFP also actively participated in the design and implementation of responses of the TA mechanism.

Sex O'Clock News

IYAFP hosted the first-ever Sex O’Clock News Live session during the week of the Women Deliver Conference in June 2019, in Vancouver, Canada! Attended by locals and conference attendees alike, the Sex O’Clock News Live showcased stories from young people everywhere on their experiences with sex, love, body positivity, menstrual health, and more! 

We are so excited to announce that we are back yet again to host another Sex O’Clock News-Live show at the Nairobi Summit on ICPD25, on November 13 at 5:30PM at the UNFPA Community Zone stage!

Sex O'Clock Live

IYAFP hosted the first-ever Sex O’Clock News Live session during the week of the Women Deliver Conference in June 2019, in Vancouver, Canada! Attended by locals and conference attendees alike, the Sex O’Clock News Live showcased stories from young people everywhere on their experiences with sex, love, body positivity, menstrual health, and more! 

We are so excited to announce that we are back yet again to host another Sex O’Clock News-Live show at the Nairobi Summit on ICPD25, on November 13 at 5:30PM at the UNFPA Community Zone stage!

Ensuring Young People Count: Adding It Up

In collaboration with the Guttmacher Institute, IYAFP worked on a three-part advocacy centered project. The first part focused on the transformation of data from the 2019 Adding It Up (AIU) report into youth-friendly videos for knowledge translation and advocacy.

The series was also accompanied by a thought leadership component on the impacts of COVID-19 for AYSRH that was concluded with the publishing of a policy piece, and a subsequent International Youth Day Webinar that equipped advocates and governments alike on the importance of investing and prioritizing access to SRH services for young people in the Global South.

Capitalizing on the prior activities, three of our past Country Coordinators have led their own advocacy projects on the ground in Albania, Malawi and Rwanda, speaking to their respective governments, and policy makers.

IYAFP’s participation had created space for over a hundred young people across Malawi, Rwanda, Zambia, Kenya and the Democratic Republic of Congo to provide their expert opinion in ensuring that the launched materials of the campaign spoke to the intended beneficiaries of the campaign, the young people themselves.

Be Your Best Advocate

In partnership with Family Planning 2020 (FP2020), IYAFP developed a set of 5 videos to translate the content of the Advancing Family Planning (AFP) SMART Advocacy Tool into an audiovisual, youth-friendly format, and developed an online training program with over 500 youth around the world on how to become better youth advocates by using the AFP SMART advocacy method.

Preventing Early and Unintended Pregnancy in Eastern and Southern Africa: A UNESCO Multimedia Campaign

In the development of the Ending Early and Unintended Pregnancies (EUP) Campaign in Eastern and Southern Africa, IYAFP had played the role of reviewing and vetting the package of communication materials that was developed by PCI Media, prior to the launch.

IYAFP’s participation had created space for over a hundred young people across Malawi, Rwanda, Zambia, Kenya and the Democratic Republic of Congo to provide their expert opinion in ensuring that the launched materials of the campaign spoke to the intended beneficiaries of the campaign, the young people themselves.

Our Strategic Alliances

We recognize that no single organization can address the complex challenges surrounding family planning and reproductive health alone. That’s why we actively seek out and nurture strategic alliances with partners who share our vision, values, and commitment to creating a better future.

Partner With Us

Join us in empowering young leaders to advance sexual and reproductive health and rights worldwide. Your support enables innovative, youth-driven solutions that make a real impact.

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