Types of Resources We Offer
Youth Advocacy Toolkits
Our Youth Advocacy Toolkits provide young advocates with the essential strategies, techniques, and tools to effectively campaign for SRHRJ in their communities. Covering a wide range of topics, including policy advocacy, grassroots mobilization, and using social media for advocacy.
Policy Briefs
Our policy briefs provide concise, evidence-based recommendations for policymakers on key issues. These briefs are developed in collaboration with youth advocates and experts, ensuring that the perspectives and needs of young people are at the forefront of policy discussions.
We offer a comprehensive suite of educational materials focused on our areas of work, including brochures, fact sheets, and interactive online modules. These materials are designed to be accessible and engaging.
Research and Reports
We conduct and collaborate on research projects to generate evidence-based insights into the challenges and opportunities. Our reports provide in-depth analysis and recommendations, contributing to the global discourse on meaningful youth engagement and informing policy and practice.
Capacity Building Workshops
We organize and co-design workshops aimed at building the capacity of young advocates. These workshops cover a variety of topics such as leadership, project management, grant writing, and effective communication.
Storytelling Projects
We believe in the power of storytelling to drive change. Our storytelling projects amplify the voices of young people, sharing their experiences and perspectives on well-being and health justice. These projects include multimedia content such as videos, podcasts, and photo essays.
Status of Meaningful Adolescent and Youth Engagement (MAYE)
Summary report of the results of an accountability survey submitted by signatories of the Global Consensus Statement on MAYE

Strengthening Youth-led Family Planning and Reproductive Health Initiatives
This brief highlights the lessons learned from a collaboration with youth from the International Youth Alliance for Family Planning (IYAFP). From August 2020 to January 2021, MOMENTUM Country and Global Leadership collaborated with IYAFP to strengthen the capacity of three IYAFP country focal points—located in Kenya and Malawi—to plan and implement COVID-19-responsive, youth-led family planning and reproductive health initiatives.
Engaging Ethiopian Youth as Equal Partners in Their Sexual and Reproductive Health and Providing Them With Quality Information
In 2018, Population Reference Bureau (PRB) and the International Youth Alliance for Family Planning (IYAFP) conducted interviews and focus groups in three Ethiopian regions to assess implementation of youth-friendly contraceptive services.

Want to team up to develop innovative resources?

Meaningful Adolescent and Youth Engagement and Partnership in Sexual and Reproductive Health Programming: A Strategic Planning Guide
This Strategic Planning Guide is intended to lead program managers, planners, and decision makers through a strategic process to meaningfully and effectively engage and partner with adolescents, youth, and/or youth-led organizations on sexual and reproductive health programs and initiatives.
Abortion Activist Handbook
IYAFP along with our member organization Abortion Data worked on developing a safe abortion toolkit that safe abortion trainers and young activists who are interested in training young people in evidence-driven abortion advocacy, abortion rights, and movement can make use of.
The toolkit is a user-friendly document with evidence-based data and information to guide young people in their advocacy.

Let Them Know: The Youth-led AYSRHR Global Roadmap for Action
With this Global Roadmap for Action or GRA, we are challenging the AYSRHR community, including youth and youth-led organizations, donors, government, INGOs, and the private sector to join us in making our AYSRHR-J goals a reality.
Partner With Us
Join us in empowering young leaders to advance sexual and reproductive health and rights worldwide. Your support enables innovative, youth-driven solutions that make a real impact.