The 2023 Women Deliver Conference, themed “Solidarity, Spaces, and Solutions,” served as a powerful platform where advocates for gender equality united with a singular voice to exchange transformative ideas, share best practices, and reaffirm their unwavering commitment to advancing equal rights for all individuals. 

This groundbreaking event not only gathered remarkable individuals and gender equality activists from around the globe but also made history by designating Rwanda as the first African country to host this monumental gathering focused on gender equality. This milestone reflects a significant step forward in recognizing the critical role of African nations in the global fight for gender equality. It was a proud moment for IYAFP as we were honored to be physically present, represented by our executive director, Alan Jarandilla Nuñez #, communications director, Peace Umanah, and Leo Tiah, a representative of IYAFP member organizations.

Our journey at the conference commenced with a Feminist Accountability Framework Retreat, where we had the opportunity to meet with co-design partners of the FAF and align our strategy for the next few months, towards the UN General Assembly meeting in September, where the framework will be presented. After the retreat, we participated in a Global Roadmap for Action (GRA) Workshop, where we collaborated with fellow GRA members to discuss the next steps of the initiative and prepared for a panel discussion on funding. The GRA stands as a coordinated and unified initiative that delineates priorities, vision, goals, and recommendations for youth in the realm of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR-J). With five key priority areas, the GRA maps out how youth intend to achieve our SRHR-J goals. The workshop was a dynamic exchange of ideas, culminating in a comprehensive action plan designed to empower youth worldwide. Following this productive convening, we capped off the day with a delightful dinner, fostering further connections and camaraderie.

The youth pre-conference activities were a highlight, showcasing the meaningful engagement of young people at every turn. From enlightening sessions to profound conversations and active participation, youth voices were not only heard but amplified, underscoring their critical role in driving the agenda for gender equality. These activities reflected the importance of creating spaces where young people can lead and influence discussions on issues that affect them directly.

In addition to these vibrant activities, we hosted a side event focused on addressing the pertinent issue of safe abortion, examining its policies and real-life implications. This crucial discussion featured our esteemed partners and representatives from member organizations as panelists, providing diverse perspectives and in-depth analysis of the challenges and opportunities in advancing safe abortion practices. The event emphasized the importance of safe abortion as a fundamental aspect of reproductive health and rights, advocating for policies that protect and empower individuals.

As the Women Deliver 2023 conference drew to a close, we were elated to have connected with brilliant minds, participated in enriching sessions and activities, and observed the substantial progress made in the ongoing journey toward gender equality for all. The conference not only reinforced our commitment to this cause but also inspired us with new ideas and strategies to implement in our advocacy work.

Our participation in Women Deliver 2023 in Kigali filled us with hope for a brighter, more equitable future. The insights gained and connections made during this conference will fortify our efforts in promoting gender equality and advancing the rights of all individuals. 

For more information on the Global Roadmap for Action, visit: