In today’s world, the conversation surrounding abortion is one of complexity, emotion, and, unfortunately, stigma. Abortion stigma operates in various contexts and environments, impacting individuals’ access to safe abortion services and comprehensive reproductive healthcare. During IYAFP’s panel discussion at Women Deliver 2023, we delved into the multifaceted aspects of this critical issue, drawing insights from partners, and panelists from youth-led organizations.

The discussion began by shedding light on the insidious nature of abortion stigma. It was emphasized that addressing these stigmas, which manifest differently across cultures, societies, and communities, is crucial to ensuring that all individuals can exercise their reproductive rights and access safe abortion services without fear or discrimination. A brief overview of the pioneering work done in promoting safe abortion was provided, showcasing efforts in advocating for policies that support reproductive rights and conducting research to improve access to safe abortion services. This work plays a pivotal role in shaping evidence-based policies and advancing the cause of reproductive healthcare.

The importance of family planning information and services in preventing unsafe abortions was emphasized. Access to contraception methods is a powerful tool in reducing unintended pregnancies, subsequently leading to a decrease in unsafe abortion cases. Comprehensive reproductive healthcare must include easy access to family planning services. Age-appropriate education and youth-friendly services were discussed as essential elements to bridge this gap effectively. Empowering young individuals with knowledge and support is vital for their reproductive health and rights.

The significance of recognizing the rights of girls aged 12-17 to have access to safe abortion services was stressed. These rights are integral to their sexual and reproductive health rights and body autonomy. It is essential to protect and uphold these rights to ensure the well-being of young girls.

In conclusion, the discussion reiterated the urgency of addressing safe abortion issues, reducing stigma, and promoting comprehensive sexual and reproductive health rights for everyone. Collaboration, advocacy, and innovative approaches were highlighted as key to making meaningful progress in this field.

In the spirit of progress and solidarity, we will continue to advocate for the right to safe, accessible, and stigma-free reproductive healthcare. Together, we can break the barriers and pave the way for a more equitable and inclusive future.

Listen to the full conversation here: