Dear IYAFP members, supporters, and partners,

Ten years ago, a seed of change was planted. A group of passionate young people, attending the International Conference on Family Planning 2013, decided to form the International Youth Alliance for Family Planning (IYAFP). Today, as we celebrate our organization’s 10th anniversary, we look back with immense pride at the roots we have nurtured and the branches we have grown over this decade.

IYAFP’s journey has been one of consistent commitment to meaningful adolescent and youth engagement in the SRHRJ landscape. We’ve witnessed first-hand the incredible work young human rights defenders are doing – from leading impactful community interventions to advocating for change on global processes. Our members’ (and previously our Country Coordinators) dedication and resilience are a unique source of inspiration.

However, our reflection should not focus on achievements only. It’s also a time to reflect on the ongoing need for transformation within the field. To ensure young people thrive and are able to make the change they want to see, we need a systemic shift. Increased funding and resources are crucial, but so is a fundamental change in mindset of partners, funders, and older adults in general. We need a world that celebrates and embraces the power of young voices, a world that actively removes barriers to their meaningful participation, and encourages equitable partnerships with young people. After a decade of advocacy in that direction, we have made some progress, but there is still a long way to go.

At IYAFP, providing our members with an enabling environment has always been a core principle. We’ve strived to create a space where young human rights defenders, especially newcomers to the SRHR and family planning field, feel encouraged to learn, grow, and contribute actively. We’ve championed their ideas, provided mentorship when needed, and facilitated connections that have fuelled their journeys. We are constantly proud of the many achievements of former IYAFP members, including our very own founders.

Looking ahead, IYAFP’s commitment to SRHRJ and MAYE continues to grow. We will continue to be a tireless advocate for sexual and reproductive health, rights, and justice for young people everywhere. We envision a future where young people are not just at the table, but where they are leading the conversation, shaping policies, and driving change to address local, national, and global issues.

On the occasion of IYAFP’s anniversary we would like to invite you all to celebrate with us our achievements, but most importantly our long learning journey. We invite you all to reflect on your role in shaping our field to be friendly and safe for young human rights defenders. We also invite you to act and support us in dismantling barriers and investing in young people’s potential. Let’s continue working together to build a just future for all.

In solidarity,

Alan Jarandilla Nuñez

Executive Director