Partner With Us

Together, we can make a lasting impact on the health and well-being of young people globally.

How to Get Involved

Are you interested in becoming a partner and joining us in empowering young people? We’re excited to explore potential partnerships with individuals, organizations, and companies that share our vision.

For partnership inquiries, feel free to reach out to

Why Partner with IYAFP?

1. Global Network

Join  our diverse network of healthcare professionals, youth advocates, and organizations committed to making a difference.

3. Innovation

Collaborate on innovative projects and research that advance youth healthcare and amplify the voices of young advocates.

2. Meaningful Impact

Contribute to initiatives that directly impact the health and well-being of young people, addressing critical healthcare challenges.

4. Expertise Exchange

Engage in knowledge sharing, workshops, and collaborative projects that foster learning and growth.

IYAFP One Pager

Get a quick and comprehensive overview of IYAFP with our one-pager. This concise document highlights our mission, key initiatives, and how we’re making a difference. Perfect for sharing with potential partners, supporters, and anyone interested in learning more about our work.

Ways to Partner

1. Financial Support

Your financial support enables us to continue our vital work. You can contribute through one-time donations, recurring contributions, or explore sponsorship opportunities for specific projects or events.

2. Collaborative Projects

Partner with us on specific projects, campaigns, or research initiatives. Together, we can leverage our combined expertise to create lasting change in youth healthcare.

3. Knowledge Sharing

Share your expertise through workshops, webinars, or training sessions. By collaborating on educational opportunities, we can empower more youth advocates to make a difference.