Welcome to IYAFP

A Global Network of Young Human Rights Defenders Dedicated to Advancing Sexual & Reproductive Health, Rights, And Justice
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Youth-led and Global South Team



Countries Represented

Areas of Work

Explore the diverse and impactful areas where IYAFP focuses its efforts to create positive change for young people worldwide.

Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Justice, HIV and AIDS

We advocate for the rights of young people to make informed decisions about their bodies and their futures, working towards a world where SRHRJ is respected, protected, and fulfilled for all individuals, regardless of their circumstances.

Gender equality, Social Justice and LGBTIQ+ rights

We advocate for the rights of LGBTIQ+ individuals, working to eliminate discrimination and violence. Our commitment extends to addressing broader issues of gender equality, patriarchy and social justice, striving to dismantle harmful stereotypes, that perpetuate inequalities.

Meaningful Adolescent and Youth Engagement


Through capacity strengthening and advocacy, we work to create spaces where young people can  influence policies that directly affect them. We’re dedicated to ensuring that young voices are heard in global, national, and community contexts.

Climate Justice and Sustainable Development

Our work involves raising awareness about the impact of climate change especially in vulnerable communities. We also promote initiatives that empower young people to be advocates for climate justice and sustainable development. 

Happening at IYAFP

Dive into our latest blog posts for insights, stories, and expert perspectives on youth, family planning, and human rights. Explore the world of possibilities with IYAFP's blogs.

News and Stories
Call for EOIs: Pilot the new Safe Abortion Advocacy Training Manual!

Call for EOIs: Pilot the new Safe Abortion Advocacy Training Manual!

The International Youth Alliance for Family Planning (IYAFP) is excited to announce the launch of a new opportunity for young advocates and human rights defenders! We are seeking passionate and driven individuals and organizations to pilot our Safe Abortion Advocacy...

RSVP: The Next 30 Years of Beijing & Intergenerational Partnerships

RSVP: The Next 30 Years of Beijing & Intergenerational Partnerships

Hybrid event (In-person and livestream) Join IYAFP, the Guttmacher Institute, and Population Council for a powerful and forward-thinking parallel event on the margins of CSW69, featuring powerful discussions on intergenerational partnerships as a key condition for...

IYAFP Joins the WHO Youth Council

IYAFP Joins the WHO Youth Council

IYAFP has proudly joined the World Health Organization (WHO) Youth Council, marking a significant milestone in youth advocacy for health. As one of the first organizations to endorse the Youth Declaration on Creating Healthy Societies, IYAFP is committed to ensuring that young voices

IYAFP’s Statement on the Pact for the Future

IYAFP’s Statement on the Pact for the Future

IYAFP welcomes the commitment to achieving gender equality, addressing climate change, protecting human rights, and strengthening youth participation as outlined in the UN’s Pact for the Future. However, the organization urges member states to include

Partner With Us

Join us in empowering young leaders to advance sexual and reproductive health and rights worldwide. Your support enables innovative, youth-driven solutions that make a real impact.

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